A NSFW hook-up is gaining traction on adult Twitter.

A Grindr conversation posted by @everwhorez shows him receiving a message from his Domino’s delivery guy.

“Hey I think I just delivered your pizza”, he states, along with a photo of his own extra large meat feast.

“I have like 10 mins before I gotta head back if you want a load too,” he offers. Now if that isn’t 5-star service. It’s not hard to see why the post garnered over 38k likes.


“Yes please, I’ll be right down”, accepts the bottom, with a different kind of hunger. That certainly is one way to support local businesses. (Although, we’re not sure a huge chain like Dominos counts as ‘local’).

Also, it seems as if they got his order wrong presuming he asked for garlic bread and got raw bred instead.

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And it continued…


Just imagine if they ended up dating, we feel like this is one of those ‘meet-cute’s that just wouldn’t be acceptable for the grandkids. At least, not until they’d started their own OnlyFans accounts.

WATCH: Your FedEx Delivery has Arrived…

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