If you live in the UK or just choose to catch up on your fix of Drag Race on Netflix, then you might not be familiar with the overtly sexy Boy Butter ads that appear in the ad breaks of RuPaul’s reality show.

Honestly, when I first watched this ad I thought it was actually an advert for BUTTER! *facepalm* I remember thinking Jheez, they might as well just wave a cock in your face and ask you to buy a car. 

It didn’t make sense on a number of levels, but no, they are definitely not advertising carbohydrates to gays via a man with ripped abs. It’s lube! Which is far more appropriate for the psychology behind the ad.

In the clip, an Adonis is seen strolling the beaches of Fire Island, looking for the perfect spot to lay his churner and vigorously produce that boy butter.

A few years back the ads were banned in Chicago, because according to Boy Butter, Comcast “did not think viewers could handle the level of gayness in this ad.”

We personally think this ad could be hella more suggestive… If you’re ready to push the boundaries Boy Butter, give us a call!