
Whether it’s the 20% discount for the store you work in, or having a (quick) fumble of your opponents junk on field, you’ve gotta reap the perks of the job. And we think we know which we’d prefer, tbh. We’re not really sure what was going down here (apart from Korbin Sims’ hand) – we’d presume it was just a bit of banter/diversionary tac-tic, and when asked to comment – aptly named – Willy Mason who was on the receiving end, said “It’s just two good teammates from the last three years having a good old … just having a good re-acquaintance, it was quite funny to me. He’s just a good young kid and I would hope that nothing is done because of it.”

We want the footage of the first time they got “acquainted”…

Check the snippet from Daily Mail below:

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[Image Credit: The Gaily Grind]